
The World Renowned Cohiba CigarThe Cohiba cigar is one of the most well-known cigars around the world. The brand took flight in 1968 by the Cuban State Tobacco Marketing Bureau, Cubatabaco. The head of the El laguito factory, Avelino Lara, had to come up with an entirely new premium blend of Cuban cigars. These cigars had to be different from any other Cuban cigars. Only a few thousand boxes of the Cohiba cigar got made yearly. The Cohiba cigar was quite popular among government officials. Some of the Cohiba cigars had been reserved for these officials and used as diplomatic gifts.The Cohiba cigars at Copa Habana have the perfect nutty taste that is combined with a balancing pepper aroma that you need to try today.

*Price Is Per Stick, Unless Stated In A Pack/Box. Quantity Options Are Available.