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An entire family within itself, Perfecto cigars have their own variations. Generally, a Perfecto cigar has two tapered ends on both the head and foot.
In Cuba, they’re typically referred to as either Exquisito or Double Figurado cigars.
Sometimes both are capped with flag leaf. However, the foot may be open with a bump at the end. Alternatively, they can appear to be relatively symmetrical with the same pointed shape on each end.
Shop online and in-store for the finest imported cigars, pipes, coffee, coffee machines, accessories and homeware. Copa Habana has a store located in Johannesburg, South Africa. We offer shipping all over South Africa.
Hobart Grove Centre
8 Hobart Road, Grosvenor Rd
Bryanston, Johannesburg
Gauteng, 2021
South Africa
** Cigars are not available for direct online sale. You can request a quote and further contact on cigars listed online.
** Copa Habana does not sell tobacco products to persons under the legal smoking age in South Africa.
2021 © Copa Habana — Shop Online for the Finest Imported Cigars & Coffees